Orange County Association of 

School Psychologists



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Upcoming events

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If you would like to become an OCASP member and join a network of school psychologists in your area, please visit our Join OCASP page.

Affiliate Corner

Check out these events hosted by affiliates in the area!

A Message From Our


Greetings Current & Prospective OCASP Members!
We are excited to grow after surviving a fairly inactive term during the COVID-19 closures with more workshop offers and resources, as  hope to increase our membership.

Along with CASP, we hope to provide you with the tools and support needed to serve the students, families, and schools within your community. We our proud to support our Orange County school psychologists and we are excited to see you all at our upcoming workshops and events!

Have a wonderful year!

Jenna Wood

Renew Your CASP Membership!

Grow personally and professionally!

Support OCASP and CASP!

Renew your memberships online at

Jennifer Strong

Region IX Representative, CASP

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